World War Three on the cards part 4

This is a world map which shows countries affected by terrorism
This is a map from Global Terrorism Index.
The dark colour depicts nations most affected by terrorism and the lighter colours depicts the least affected ones.

The nations which support terrorism are usually most Muslim dominated nations except a few. These nations are known as Muslim-Brotherhood nations. These nations covertly support terrorist activities and use these terrorists as non-state actors to achieve political gains. India though has a healthy Muslim population, probably second in the world but it is never known to support any terrorist groups. In fact Indians are one of the most affected populations in the world by terrorism. This method of spreading terror and creating non-states actors is funded most Sunni Islamic nations. The problem isn't just that they kill the other religions, they have targeted more Shias, Sufis, Ahmediyas,etc. Some sections of Islam have even gone extinct due to targeted massacres. Religious terrorism isn't just limited to the Islamic world even other religions have taken this path but numbers are too few and their causes were not dominating the whole world, they were more related to regional issues and their own rights. Most of these religious group were neutralized by forces around the world and most of them have surrendered too. Then their is also a non-religious section of terrorism which mostly targets regional dominance, liberation wars, political vendetta, etc. All was good in the Muslim Brotherhood, they were OK planing terror strikes across the globe and funding terrorist organisations. Suddenly the rise of ISIS and its no nonsense approach towards building a caliphate has rung bells in these brotherhood nations. Now these nations are victims of their own home grown organisations. It is reported that 95% victims of ISIS are Muslims, which are mostly shias and rest sections. The map of the caliphate doesn't end their, it covers majority of these brotherhood as well as non-brotherhood democratic powers like India. Russians are the first major power dealing with these terrorists head on, the recent intervention in Syria has changed the game for ISIS and now they retreating. Iraq and Afghanistan forces along with supporting nations are also getting success against these terrorists. They are reclaiming their land after that sudden wave of Terrorism gripped their cities under the control of ISIS for years and months. India is fighting against these terrorists for more then five decades and has successfully controlled breeding of these terrorists inside the nation as well as destroyed their sleeper cells. The daily operations conducted by Indian forces in Kashmir has given them a strong edge over these evils of humanity. Still countries mostly of NATO and some brotherhood nations who have by now experienced what terrorists can do to innocents irrespective of religion are still finding hard to create a global army against terrorism. This is usually due to their own political interests. Pakistan the biggest exporter and manufacturer of terrorists is the biggest example. Even US and European Union never took strong actions until they were bombed by terrorists. They even welcomed refugees from middle east nations but in turn mostly were terrorists waiting to get a hand inside european territory and whole of Europe is witnessing the sudden surge in deadly terrorist attack on its people. The Putin theory of how US led forces created terrorism and are now unable to control them along with the Indian theory of Pakistani state sponsored terrorism is actually being accepted by nations and people who wants to fight terrorism head on. The biggest culprit and i would say the silent spectator in this whole terrorism network is China. Numerous terrorist group are found using Chinese weapons too. Rogue nations who have developed nuclear power find their weapon origins in China too. Unprecedented support to terrorist nation Pakistan along with weapon supply to Arab states and north Korea have simply cleared china's stand. China even saved several terrorists and terror groups from being banned, just because they were acting against the interests of Chinese rivals. The crude game being played by china behind the curtains is now falling in its own land. The recent Uygur Muslims clashes in Xinjiang province and some blasts and riots are just starting point of what china might face in future. This leaves us with only one option, either terrorist supporting nations leave their policy of spreading terror else powers like Russia and India might step into the game to finish terrorism from the face of the world with support of several big and small nations. NATO forces also need to have trust in other powers of the world, which they are showing now in fighting terrorists and learning from other forces how to counter them. More counter insurgency drills are needed among nations. United Nations needs changes regarding its puppet role. Nations should make sure it is not mere an agency of discussion and light actions but a credible global force formed by major powers to counter any threat which affects innocent lives any where in the world.


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