World War Three on the cards part 2

ISIS terrorists executing innocent people

Terrorism, the most feared word among the civilised world. Another by product of the cold war era. The biggest threat the world is facing. This threat rose from being a regional entity to an international presence in almost all nations. From being an area dominant militia to an instrument of global annihilation. The stark difference between the doctrines of terrorist organisation from being a so called liberation force to the present kill all doctrine is more dangerous then nuclear weapons. Nukes are protected with organised civilised forces with the obvious exception of Pakistan and North Korea, both being rogue nations. We know responsible nuclear powers wont unleash their nukes just like that. They have well defined laws and doctrines to go through before getting into that nuclear war zone and crossing the brim. Whereas a terrorist wont think twice either blowing itself or killing hundreds on a press of a trigger. But how these evils of humanity get their weapons from ? the answer isn't really that tough, just google these organisations and see what weapons they are using. The absence of weapon factories, zero economies, non-government framework, no direct links to top weapons manufacturers. The weapons are precisely distributed to these organisations by rogue nations, specially Pakistan and literally directly. These weapons are also available from vast left out resources of Soviet forces once invading Afghanistan. Anti-soviet militia formed by America and Pakistan to counter Soviet forces were also heavily supplied with American weapons. Even now one could find American and early soviet era weaponry among groups like ISIS. Nonsensical distribution and further combat training made these terrorists groups a deadly force. And now America and Pakistan are mainly being affected by these groups. Pakistani ISI and American CIA were also deeply involved in training and distribution of weapons to terrorists. These terrorist now control quite a big area of middle east and African nations, they even control large parts of Pakistani territory. Now the resurgence of Russia and its onslaught against terrorism without labelling them as good or bad and going all out with 100% will is what creating nervousness inside nations supporting terrorists. So to simple summarise the situation it would be like this, Americans and Pakistan forces created certain organisations to counter the soviet forces, after the dissolution of the Soviet union these anti-soviet forces went rogue, and now these forces among many names are simply creating terrorism in the name of religion and territory. So this was how terrorism got birth and how its thriving now. The big question now is, Trump factor now comes into play. So there is a change in stance for US forces as well but Pakistan is still playing its dirty old game. Rest of the NATO nations have hardly any say and usually do what Americans want them to do.

up next, the Syrian problem, keep checking


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