ISIS the uniting factor in Kashmir ?

Kashmir youth holding ISIS flag during protests

ISIS as the world now knows is the biggest terrorist organisation in the world. India directly has nothing to do with it but its ideology is the key here. ISIS is funded and supplied by many nations, mostly who support Wahhabi's ideology. Some nations also use it as an instrument of non-state actors directed for attacks which they might not do directly, like a proxy war. Wherever the Isis has strong holds all those places have one thing in common, weak unprofessional armies. Even the equipments Isis uses is sometimes more advanced then those armies. So this was a common scenario in those regions, isis comes invades, behead POWs and armies leave. Then came the Russian armed forces, professional army, modern equipments, Spetsnaz, nuclear bombers, etc. The result ? Isis starts losing massive territories and huge loses. So the question of them taking strong hold in India is virtually impossible. Then we have the mighty Indian army welcoming them here. The problem which might arise as i mentioned before is the ideology. The so called misguided youth of the valley is properly guided by Pakistani armed forces. The misguided youth till now was fighting for Kashmir freedom, suddenly comes Isis guy within them tells them to stop these slogans, even pro-Pakistani slogans. Wraps the body of a slain terrorist with Isis flag and shouts slogan of pro-caliphate. Here comes the game changer, the youth is now under pressure there to leave all luxuries of life and join the cause of the caliphate which Isis dreams. The moment this misguided youth guided by Pakistanis understands "oh wait where are my rights gone ?" and he realises "i was always free but now i am being oppressed" and by whom ? the Isis followers. Mass protests against Isis have already started in Kashmir and deep inside Pakistan as well. Now its terrorist vs terrorist for the fight of who is the better terrorist. Well the truth is, conventional jihadi groups stand no chance against non-conventional Isis terrorists. Simply because they are more determined for their cause. They don't share even a bit of compassion towards there own people so forget the conventional jihadis would survive this wave. Specially when there own handlers are being bombed by Isis directly. Now where would the common Kashmiri go ?  The Indian Army. By this time every Kashmir knows what there hollow freedom is about to cost them which in fact has already cost them generations. Indian Army wont be waiting long, the on going massive search and destroy missions are just the tip of the ice berg. The Isis has finally met there dead end, its is here in Kashmir and an eye opener for the common Kashmiri when they'll be against their own people. Indian Army the saviour, as they always are. Eye opener for Kashmiris. Time to finally choose sides.


  1. Well said... it seems a beginning of a new era for Kashmiris too.. They will realize their fault too.

  2. an eye opener for them, a lesson for survival


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