Indian Secularism a Myth

What defines Secularism ?
The principle of separation of the state from religious institutions and that all people of different religions and beliefs are equal before the law.

Indian state machinery is not separate from religious institutions. It serves minority religions according to their needs. This works fine until you have an extremist component working along. These extremist components are what the whole world is dealing with. Then we being so called secular only invites more problems from these anti-social and anti-Indian actors. Make note of it, these actors have a religion and they belong to all religions not just single one, the source of conflicts around the world. Its quite easy to understand how this pseudo-secular system works. They twist the laws according to their needs and would run havoc when in majority. Obviously supported by foreign powers. The secular fabric of India would only stay real until the majority which comprises of true Indians allow it to happen. This is the actual tolerance of majority Indians. See the problem is the world thinks extremists are a minority when seen in the context of the world population so they wont harm much but in reality the majority is irrelevant because somewhere deep down they support the cause of terrorists. Take example, Kashmiri stone pelters and mobs and how they help terrorist to flee from the Indian forces. Similarly in Gaza strip how they disrupt daily living of Israelis. In Afghanistan, Iraq and whole of middle eastern states. This unconditional support of so called peace full people in the name of religion directly helps nations usually from NATO to instigate violence and create new terrorist organisations. Which are used as non-state actors to achieve missions which were considered impossible with a directly ordered offencive with their enemy state. Take the case of Pakistani non-state actors against India and American backed terrorists against Russia. Now coming back to the Indian security concern. We have a big advantage of a majority Indians which never ever supported the formation of non-state actors nor the government policy includes this method of a proxy war. So the foreign powers and their intelligence wings haven't been successful at all to instigate these extremists and moderates inside the Indian territory. The presence of massive RAW and IB intelligence units as well as world's most professional security forces will never let this happen even in their weirdest dreams. Now when we see the civilian aspect of this perpetual threat we need to follow our constitution which is based on secular values. The second part of the definition of Secularism defines exactly that which states "all religions and beliefs are equal before the law". This whole secularism definition does not find its meaning into the constitution exactly as its always portrayed to be. Reason for this idiotic mistake is the presences of religious law boards of religions made accordingly to their books they believe to be the ultimate truth. Who decides these books to be the ultimate truth ? and whats the problem with these people in accepting a uniform civil law when all humans are considered equal and should have equal rights irrespective of gender,caste and creed. Why such hypocrisy ? isn't it they want a free hand to torture and oppress the women of their society ? to keep their children away from actual education and make them religious shit heads. These same children as groomed by religious extremism form the core of extremist organisations as well as political parties spreading venom yet stays behind the curtains of freedom of expression. Isn't his a misuse of the constitutional rights as well as virtual oppression of rights of other people who dint want to follow religious shit heads ? These people have a problem in singing our National Song. They have a problem to stand for national anthem. They have problems in respecting the nation and our forces. They openly criticise our soldiers even disrespect them. The openly destroy constitutional rules like loud speaker rule. They openly destroy armed forces memorials like in Azad Maidan Mumbai and the recent event inside Hyderabad University campus in the name of what not. I think the myth of Secularism is only followed by the majority and not by the obvious minority which also includes elements from all religions. That's why in an unbiased article i cannot target a single religion cause the supporters even if few belong to several other religions. Political brass of India is mainly responsible since they turn them according to their vote banks. Its actually another iron curtain to be safe from direct fire and fury of the general public. The recent funeral processions of terrorists in every part of India which saw large support of people explains a lot. Yes their were also incidents where minority refused to bury terrorists and India wants more of this minority in the main stream. Because usually these people are boycotted by religious shit heads and they humiliate their families for speaking for the right cause. Constitution is unable to safeguard these oppressed people of the minority from extremists. The majority is the only key here which allows secularism to flourish even with so much disagreements and the majority can only bring up the uniform civil code to truly apply the tag of being a secular nation as well as ending the menace of religious extremism. The day definition of secularism is truly respected that would be the day India will be free from the intolerance debate.


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