Did Putin saved the world by hacking into the US elections ?

United States of America presidential election 2016

Putin's Russia may have actually saved the world by hacking into the US elections. This probability has a start point and an end point, both of which actually happened. No one knows what really happened in between these two points but everybody knows things are fishy. The massive claims made by huge media houses and unknown US agency people just shows it wasn't mere rumour. There has to have a certain level of truth behind this dispute, reason to be followed by so many important people. Well according to my theory it all started with the Hilary Clinton's claim of putting a "No fly zone" over Syrian air space. Knowing the presence of Russian military in Syria, quite a world ending step. Whole world knows how much nukes these two powers have and still instead of avoiding a confrontation you are going straight into doomsday. Why so ? what made Clinton decide this choice of warfare when even the chief of staff of the US armed forces told the senator "no fly zone" is not possible without a war with Syria and Russia. Did rich business tycoons are involved in this planned misery ? They are the direct beneficiary of a nuclear holocaust. Be it military industry, commodity industry, health industry, etc. All might benefit from the slowing down economy of the US. The massive lay offs and outsourcing has led to serious employment issues in US. Meanwhile the Russian government was conducting mock drills for citizens to save them selves from a potential nuclear attack. Whats the need now of such a drill ? The Recent installation of anti-air missiles in the European theatre by NATO in the name of a false Iranian nuclear threat is as bogus as the Iranian nuclear power is. A simple blatant lie to the world of Iranian nuclear capability so as to have a right to defend. The Russian knew it, as claimed by Vladimir Putin in a press conference to western media recently. He even said Russian knew at what year Americans would reach a certain missile capability with advanced technology. By now the whole game is quite easy to understand. US was fooling whole of NATO to deploy anti-missile systems along Europe. Then they fooled the world by creating a false threat of Iranian nuclear weapons. As they have early did with Iraq, Libya, etc though never found one anywhere. This time the game never went further, Russian power killed it before US knew it. Russia simple hacked into the systems and choose a president of their choice. They avoided the doomsday and cant even blab about it. This was just a theoretical analysis based upon real facts. This might have happened. We should pray even if theirs little bit of seriousness in this hypothetical theory. We may not survive and may not even know we got killed. Nuclear power is the most destructive force on earth. As Putin warned in that same press conference about the citizens of NATO nations don't know their leaders are taking the world in an irreversible situation, and they being OK about it is what worries him. We should start worrying too and question our nations, where do we deploy our troops outside and why ? what our nation is planning for us ? doomsday ?


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