Curious case of the Indian media

compilation of logos of Indian media houses

Indian media was once known for true unbiased authentic news. The effect of which was that even the Indira govt of the 70s had to clamp down numerous media houses just so that the govt is not exposed in front of the already developing crowd. The hangover of independence to the criticising of their own armed forces, Indian media has come a long way. Its not that old school media any more. Ask some senior journalists and they hate the new age guys spreading false propaganda. Inciting Indian public in the name of what not. Journalism's basics are finding facts and then decide the narrative but now days the narrative is first decided, then conditions are fabricated to manufacture facts to satisfy the narrative. A media house putting so much effort just to satisfy gains of few are obviously paid by the same few. They are their for earning isn't it ? Exactly, gone are the days when media persons fought for rights of people and covered genuine news. Those times were not mere TRP shows or typical TV shows news. The public which waited for prime time news daily for decades and morning headlines was forcefully shown TV gossip shows on those same times. They were made to watch sensational stuff, aliens stole cows, serial gossips, idiot low grade celebs, fake news. These guys were meant to be fourth pillar of a democracy. Where those values vanished? bought by some ? hidden purposefully ? If the Internet never existed we would had no option but believing these fourth evils of democracy who are bound to break the nation at any cost. Remember always, these signs are the same which latter generated hordes against the most powerful nation in the world and brought down it to its knees and destroyed it completely. The difference is that, western media was doing this inside the Soviet Union but our media is doing these activities in their own nation. Now that is worrying. There are still few journalists left who report genuine news but who watches them now ? they are termed as right wing channels. Criticising government and its system is a part of constructive democracy and must be welcomed but being hostile towards them is pure hatred. That government that system are your own people and the most important thing, you are part of it. The sole existence of your insensitive blabbing is that system is in place. And from when these people became judges ? spreading names of rape victims, showing restricted military operations on live TV, deciding what is evidence and who is the culprit. Who gave them this right ? who gave them the right to shove their mikes on faces of people, misbehaving with their parents and kids, getting into scuffle with them. Disturbing private lives of so many. Trespassing their private property. And all in the name of  ? freedom of expression. Its as hilarious as their own standard of news reporting. Media should stay in their limits and not decide narrative of people or nation. Else the fourth pillar is bound to be crushed. Follow the Constitution before deciding to destroy people's lives on the basis of fabricated stories. Government should clip their wings a bit to curb this menace of media mafia. Nation first.


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