Crunching Tiger, feared Dragon 5

 The Chinese War mongering

painted propaganda picture of the people's liberation army

The Chinese media is a state run media, all of them. The media reports are heavily scrutinised and then censored according to the needs of the communist party. Each and every entity of Chinese authority is in control with the communist party. Even their armed forces are technically loyal to the communist party not to the people or the nation. like if a situation arises where some civil war took place and a democratic power throws communists out of the scene then the armed forces might coupe, being in control of the communist party. Rampant corruption and oppression of freedom voices is the key to ruling for the Communist party. Yes they have developed china to quite an extent and have done many important things to make its stand on the world arena but at the cost of its own citizens. No big power have faced such mass protests of freedom from their own government. The people who tried standing up to the communist party, simply vanished. Now the ongoing border stand off against the mighty Indian army have rung bells deep inside the core of communists. They never thought of this nor planned about this. Indian have a strong history of not attacking any nation and they still are true to their principles. China claims Indian troops trespassed on Chinese territory and not budging a bit. Well the online videos obviously tell you a different story. Indian army claims the land to be of Bhutan but china claims it is a Chinese territory. Indian army was requested by Bhutan government officially to stop this unprovoked Chinese aggression. This was done through a security pact between India and Bhutan. Indian knew Chinese are always searching ways of targeting the bottle neck land mass which connects the mainland India with its north eastern states. The area is mere 50km long and might be a cake walk for Chinese, as they believe it is. Indian army knew about this strategy of theirs and had already taken up strong defencive positions over Doklam area to counter any Chinese aggression. Chinese army has no strong positions in that area. it was impossible to reach that bottle neck through Indian territory but was easy if Bhutan bogged down. This is the reason Indian army is not leaving the area and has prepared for a long standoff with guns down position to maintain peace. Any misadventure by Chinese will be delt by sheer force and annihilating might of the war built Indian army. Chinese tried using all their state run media and agencies to create an ambiance of terror but they were unable to. Their media wrote all kinds of provoking and inciting articles but Indian remained still. Now virtually situation can only solve if Indian leave the territory on their own choice, which clearly wont be happening. The Chinese now have only two options, either come on negotiating table which they have refused or else fight a small skirmish with the Indian army. Skirmish might lead to a full fledged war. So this is the reality of the so called Chinese army with all those obsolete numbers. Good on paper, useless on ground. Even if both players play the wait and watch game, loss is for china as they have claimed its their territory. Chinese citizens would want an answer from their government, what are you doing to secure our land ? why the Indians are still their ? The failing propaganda of war mongering and insensible thought provoking by Chinese media all these years have entangled them in their own game. Indian on the other hand are taunting this whole Chinese system of hoax, bringing them to the reality. This is not the India of 1962. Chinese already lost all skirmishes with India after 1962. They know the cost of a war with India would get them back to stone age. Both nation might not use nuclear weapons as both have doctrines of "no first use". The conventional war though might be long and disastrous. Lets see what china does next. Either leaves its legendary policy of territorial insecurity or moves on and accepts their are more powers now and they cant just walk away.


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