Crunching Tiger, feared Dragon 4

Complete range of ballistic missiles of India

Indian military is also well known as the master in missile technology. The Agnis, Prithvis, Akash SAM, S-400, Dhanush, Brahmos, Sagarika, Astra,etc have already have a well known fan following among the weapons market around the world. Chinese too have a strong missile force with more range but the question is how much it is on paper and how much in real world. Because Chinese rockets are not as capable nor their success rate similar to Indian rockets. Which is clearly seen in the space race. Indians are way ahead then any nation in this field. These civilian rockets i mentioned have a relation to missiles. This is the same technology used for anti-satellite missiles and ballistic missiles. So we know who has the upper hand here. Launching 108 satellites in one go and launching multiple warheads is almost the same. It is also said that Indians also have long range ICBMs namely Surya missile. They never accept it publicly because the long range covers other friendly nations too which might create diplomatic insecurity among them. In case of Chinese have previously been seen projecting diesel submarine as being nuclear ones. There is always an area of false propaganda by them to avoid a conflict. This time they might not wanna end there own cause by getting into war with India. As many experts have already cited Chinese will be bombed back to stone age if it does not stops its rough diplomacy. Using Pakistan as their ally and pawn against India might be the last nail in their coffin and the end of Chinese hoax.


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