Crunching Tiger, feared Dragon 2

After reading the first part you must have learnt about the reality surrounding the armies of both nations. Now we'll go weapon vs weapon but before that we need to understand the origins of these weapons. In the Chinese military quite a healthy numbers of weapons belong to the soviet era of the 60s. After the brief border conflicts with the soviets, Chinese weapon deliveries and orders will virtually stopped and the nation went into a long period of zero weapons development and procurement. The Chinese usually are never good at inventing but they are probably best in reverse engineering. They did exactly the same with weapons too. Hacking into Pentagon and other NATO databases getting there blueprints or buying off the shelf weapons in small amounts of 20-30 to look like a proper order and latter mass producing it without licensing with there own components and 3rd generation technologies. The best examples are as follows...
copied fighter aircraft J-31 of China compared to original American F-35

J-11  a straight carbon copy of the original S-27 Flanker of the soviet union. By design might have the same manoeuvrability and aerodynamic capability but lacks far behind in avionics and engine performance.

J-7  copy of soviet Mig-21
J-10  copy of Israeli Lavi
J-15 copy of Russian naval Su-33
Type 69 - copy of Soviet T-54
Type 96 - copy of T-72s

several more small arms as well as ships, even there latest and first aircraft carrier is a copy of old soviet Varyag, given to them as a museum ship after collapse of the Soviet Union. Copied several submarine designs as well as naval destroyers ans stealth ships.

The point here is, the country obviously lacks weapon development capabilities and the reverse engineered products are not upto the mark as there original counter parts. Usually most the weapons are of older generations. Now we are stepping into 4.5 and 5th generation fighter aircrafts, Akula and Los Angeles class of super quiet nuclear submarine, MBT like Leopard and Challenger. So Chinese lag quite behind and thats where they should worry.

The Indian weapons analysis up next... keep checking


  1. Very important information... number of people never gone through such details.. thanks for sharing in detail..

  2. This is so informative and well researched. Good job. Looking forward to more posts .

  3. This is so informative and well researched. Good job. Looking forward to more posts .


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